Entrepreneurship in Medicine | MedSchoolCoach

Entrepreneurship in Medicine

Webinars On-Demand

Join Sahil Mehta MD, Arron, Fritts MD, and Rami Wehbi DO as we discuss our journeys of becoming founders of our own businesses on top of balancing working as physicians. In this webinar, you will learn:

• What the journey of becoming an entrepreneur entails.
• About the expectations of business operations compared to reality.
• What trends are upcoming in the field of medicine.
• How to balance a career in medicine with other endeavors.

Want to hear more about Entrepreneurship and Passion Projects? Tune into the BackTable Podcast featuring panelists Dr. Sahil Mehta and Dr. Aaron Frits! Listen Now 

Presented by:

Sahil Mehta

Dr. Sahil Mehta, MD

Founder of MedSchoolCoach

Dr. Mehta is the founder of MedSchoolCoach and has guided thousands of successful medical school applicants. He is also a practicing physician in Boston where he specializes in vascular and interventional radiology.

Dr. Aaron Fritts

Founder of Backtable

Dr. Aaron Fritts, MD is an Interventional Radiology Specialist in Dallas, TX and has over 14 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from Tulane University of Louisiana medical school in 2007. He is affiliated with Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Denton.

Dr. Rami Wehbi

Founder of Beyond Medicine

Dr. Rami Wehbi is a graduate of Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine and currently pursuing a career in Family Medicine as a Resident Physician at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.