study smarter, not harder
MedSchoolCoach USMLE Step 1 Tutors have mastered every facet of the exam. They understand the goals of each question and will help you learn how to approach the exam. Our tutors are incredible teachers who know how to deliver detailed explanations of USMLE material. Before our USMLE Tutors can work with medical students, they have to complete one of the most rigorous selection processes in the country.
Our USMLE tutors have extensive knowledge of test preparation resources and follow MedSchoolCoach’s personalized approach for each student, which is supported by years of success. They target high-yield topics in the basic sciences focused around your specific needs to ensure you’re prepared for this vital exam.
Our comprehensive and personalized approach will not only help you pass your Step 1 exam, but also equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary for success on future USMLE exams. By building a strong foundation of understanding and critical thinking, you’ll be prepared to excel on future scored exams like Step 2, Step 3, and COMLEX.
At MedSchoolCoach, we customize our USMLE Step 1 preparation plan to your learning style and specific strengths and weaknesses so that you can pass with flying colors on test day. We use full-length practice exams, a rigorous and customizable study schedule, up-to-date question banks, and self-assessments for the most well-rounded exam prep in the world.
Studying for the USMLE Step 1, 2, 3 and COMLEX requires the ability to retain an immense amount of information — no small feat in the midst of med school. Our COMLEX and USMLE prep courses help students understand what is important, why it's important, and how to apply it to the exam. With personalized USMLE tutoring, you’ll get access to proprietary resources and a world-class coach to help you ace exam day. Our students average a 20+ score increase after working with a MedSchoolCoach tutor.
Be One of the Thousands of Students
Who Raise Their USMLE Score with MedSchoolCoachChoose your tutor:
Dr. Gilkey scored 267 on step 1 and 269 on step 2. His greatest strength is helping students build hierarchical memorization patterns, using existing knowledge and new information to form confluent ideas.
Dr. Vinitsky is a neurology resident at NYU Langone who excels at adapting teaching methods to suit each student's preferred learning style. She graduated from the University of Rochester with a degree in neuroscience and achieved a 255 on Step 1.
Dr. Wilson, a resident in otolaryngology at the University of Rochester Medical Center, scored a 255 on USMLE Step 1 and a 277 on USMLE Step 2 CK. With extensive experience in teaching and mentoring, he is passionate about helping students achieve their goals through personalized learning strategies and concept-driven approaches.
Dr. Gribben is a graduate of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and a Merrill Presidential Scholar from Cornell University. She offers tutoring for Steps 1 and 2 and med school coursework, as well as advising support for medical students. She's dedicated to personalized teaching strategies for student success.
Personalized, one-on-one tutoring is targeted to strengthen your weak areas and deepen your knowledge of the highest-yield material.
You do not need to buy any test prep material. We will work with what you have. If you need recommendations for study guides, video lectures, or other materials, we can provide them.
Our tutoring approach involves the use of Q-banks, topics, and rapid fire high-yield online practice tests. Most students do tutoring in 2-hour blocks once or twice per week, then use our on-demand tools during the rest of their study time.
MedSchoolCoach has the most rigorous screening and training process of any medical school tutoring company, producing some of the best tutors in the country.
From the start, dedicated educators work with you as a team to help you maximize your score. We’ll help you define the study strategies and test-taking strategies that fit your needs most.
Higher Score Guarantee
Learn MoreDr. Ramirez scored higher than a 260 on his USMLE Step 1 and Step 2.
MedSchoolCoach has the experience:
We work comprehensively with every test taker throughout their USMLE journey.
We learn about you extensively through our comprehensive intake form. This helps us identify your individual needs so we can choose the most effective Tutor for you.
You and your Tutor will schedule sessions that are convenient for you. That means weekends, nights, or whenever you need.
With an understanding of your situation, your Tutor will help you develop a USMLE Step 1 practice strategy. You’ll get resources targeted to meet your needs.
You and your Tutor will review the subject matter in ways you have not seen before, maximizing your knowledge base and enhancing your test-taking abilities.
You may not have considered online tutoring, but you should. It's more cost efficient and effective than traditional tutoring.
You can learn from our world-class Tutors in the comfort of your own home with online tutoring.
Our online tutoring platform provides complete video interaction, whiteboard systems, screen sharing, and more.
Every session is recorded so that you can go back and review any session when needed.
“My MedSchoolCoach tutor was absolutely amazing. My Step 1 increased 35 points!” - Shilpa, MedSchoolCoach Tutoring Client
Featured Tutor Profiles
Dr. Gribben is a graduate of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and a Merrill Presidential Scholar from Cornell University. She offers tutoring for Steps 1 and 2 and med school coursework, as well as advising support for medical students. She's dedicated to personalized teaching strategies for student success.
View profileDr. Gilkey scored 267 on step 1 and 269 on step 2. His greatest strength is helping students build hierarchical memorization patterns, using existing knowledge and new information to form confluent ideas.
View profileAustin is an MD/PhD student at the University of Colorado and scored a 256 on USMLE Step 1. Austin brings energy and passion to every student he tutors.
View profileAlex scored >250 on his USMLE Step 1 and has 6+ years of tutoring experience.
View profileMyan has 10+ years of tutoring experience and scored a 258 on USMLE Step 1. He is known for making complicated concepts easy to understand and reducing test taking anxiety.
View profileWe have the best tutors you can find. In fact, our hiring and training process only accepts about one person for every 50 applicants we receive. You’ll also get a Student Success Manager assigned to you whose job is helping you succeed!
MedSchoolCoach was created by physicians to help future physicians. At our core, we value educating the next generation of doctors, not profits
We have served thousands of students and logged over 500,000 advising hours. No one has more experience with helping students than we do.
Want to meet more of the team?
Step 1 sets the foundation for all future USMLE exams. Mastering the content, test-taking skills, and study habits necessary to achieve success on Step 1 will lay the groundwork for success as you progress through your clinical education and face the USMLE Step 2 CK exam. Ultimately, a successful Step 1 exam makes you a strong physician for your future patients.
Most students dedicate 6-8 weeks of study time to prepare for the USMLE Step 1 exam after their preclinical coursework.
Yes, you can spend your first session with your Tutor creating a comprehensive study plan for the USMLE that is tailored to your needs.
Yes, our Tutors are very familiar with Step 1 test prep resources and will be able to advise you on the strengths and weaknesses of different study materials.
Since every student is different and begins tutoring at different starting points, predicting score increases are challenging. However, almost all of our students see significant improvement after working with our Tutors. Regardless of when you come to us, we will help you get a better score. In fact, we believe in this so strongly that we have a score increase guarantee.
Yes! In fact, it's more effective than in-person tutoring. One of the benefits of personalized tutoring is that you will be able to directly coordinate sessions with your tutor. Sessions can occur during the day or night, depending on what works best for you and your tutor. Plus, our tutoring sessions can be conducted anywhere in the world with our video conferencing software, and each session and lesson is tailored directly to your individual needs.
Not passing Step 1 can be a very challenging and disheartening experience. However, many of our Tutors have worked with students who have failed the exam before. These students have gone on to pass their exam and continue pursuing their medical careers.
Our Master Tutors have worked for MedSchoolCoach for an extended period of time and their students have an impeccable record of success. Additionally, they have extensive experience working with students who are in challenging situations or have specific needs.
Yes, the USMLE Step 1 exam is significantly more difficult than the MCAT. While the MCAT tests basic science knowledge, too, the USMLE is designed to test the comprehensive knowledge you should gain during your first two years of med school.
Yes, we offer comprehensive USMLE coaching, including Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 prep.
We provide many other types of training including MCAT private tutoring, COMLEX Training and more. Contact Us to get more details.
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