MCAT Physics Crash-course: Light and Optics | MedSchoolCoach

MCAT Physics Crash-course: Light and Optics

Webinars On-Demand
MCAT Physics Crash-course: Light and Optics

An exclusive for MCAT Prep app users, MedSchoolCoach hosted office hours with MCAT tutoring experts, Ken Tao and Mathias Jost. Join them to learn strategies and tips for the MCAT Physics Section. They will help you:

  • Understand geometric optics
  • Learn the difference between refraction and reflection
  • Understand single slit and double slit diffraction
  • Understand chromatic aberration.

Presented by:


Ken Tao

Director of MCAT

Ken is nationally recognized as a premier MCAT tutor and the MedSchoolCoach Director of MCAT Tutoring. He has helped thousands of students through the MCAT process.
Mathias Jost

Mathias Jost

MCAT Master Tutor

Mathias is a 99th percentile MCAT scorer with 8 years of teaching experience.