Find And Compare The Best Medical Schools For You With Med School Explorer

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is just a click away.

Access detailed, actionable data

For each medical school, view thorough admissions statistics, tuition and application fees, interview format, and even common specialties. All rigorously updated for 2022.

Calculate your competitiveness

MedSchoolCoach’s proprietary algorithms compute your academic, clinical, research, and extracurricular fit at every school. Understand how you measure up!

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Filter and favorite your top schools

Building your medical school list? Filter U.S. MD, U.S. DO, Canadian, and Caribbean schools by parameters from average GPA to location, then favorite schools you’re interested in.

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View thousands of secondary prompts

Explore MedSchoolCoach’s enormous secondary essay prompt database to find a school’s prompts from the past five years. Say goodbye to last-minute essay panic!

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The critical information every premed needs is at your fingertips.

With the Med School Explorer by MedSchoolCoach, you won’t be caught unprepared.

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Insights from Medical Admissions Experts

Build your school list with insider info from the best

At MedSchoolCoach, we’ve helped thousands of students with every aspect of the medical school application. Now, we want to share our knowledge with you. With MedSchoolCoach Insights, learn about many top schools directly from our advisors and tutors who actually attended, completed residency, or worked there. With thorough, personal written details about everything from coursework to the campus, you'll feel like you have friends at campuses all around the country (and world).

Unparalleled Coverage

All of your med school research, in one convenient place

Information about med schools is hard to find—especially for D.O., international, and newer schools. As a busy premed, you don’t have time to dig through school websites and outdated databases. With the Med School Explorer, access information on 212 schools, including 37 D.O. schools, all Canadian medical schools, and 5 of the top international programs.

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Find the path to your medical school dreams

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Medical School Admissions Advising

Want a team of experts in your corner? A MedSchoolCoach physician advisor (with admissions committee experience!) will assist with your entire application, while a writing advisor will help you optimize your essays.

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Medical School Advising

Early Strategic Planning

Jump-start your application in an hour-long session with an experienced physician advisor. Get advice on anything from extracurriculars to the impact of choosing an MD versus a DO school!

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PreMed A to Z

Pre-Med from A to Z

Remove the guesswork! This free crash course includes dozens of videos from our admissions experts; helpful guides for your personal statement, interviews, and more; and tons of insider knowledge.

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