Medical School Prerequisites: FAQs and Per-School Database

Pre-Requisites for Medical School

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What is a prerequisite, and why is it important?

A prerequisite is a course or other requirement that students must complete before continuing to the next level of education. In the medical school admissions process, premeds will need to complete a number of upper level courses that depend on which schools they want to get into

Students applying to medical school must complete certain course requirements at their undergraduate institution or post-baccalaureate program before entering the school of medicine to which they are accepted.


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School requirements may include specific courses, overall or topic-specific GPA requirements (e.g., minimum 3.5 GPA or GPA of at least 3.5 in science courses), or other qualifications for admission (a bachelor’s degree). For example, students must take 9 semester hours of biology or chemistry courses for their degree.

You can apply to medical school before you’ve finished all of your prereqs, but you must complete all of them before matriculation into your chosen program.


Learn more about how our Physician Advisors can help you write an AMCAS application that stands above the rest.

What are the typical med school prerequisites?

In general, you’ll need to take the following pre-medical courses before entering med school:

  • Biology: Medical schools typically require applicants to have completed one or more college-level biology courses, which may cover genetics, cellular biology, and physiology.
  • Chemistry: Most medical schools require applicants to have completed one or more college-level chemistry courses, which may cover organic chemistry, biochemistry, and general chemistry.
  • Physics: Many medical schools require applicants to have completed one or more college-level physics courses, which may cover topics such as classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and thermodynamics.
  • Mathematics: Some medical schools may require applicants to have completed college-level math courses, such as calculus or statistics.
  • English: All medical schools require applicants to have completed college-level English courses, which may include literature and writing-intensive courses.
  • Behavioral Sciences: Many medical schools require applicants to have completed college-level courses in the behavioral sciences (social sciences), such as psychology or sociology.
  • Biomedical Ethics: Some medical schools may require applicants to have completed a course in biomedical ethics, which covers health sciences related to healthcare and medical research.

Requirements for prerequisite courses vary slightly from school to school, so we recommend you consult the list below to find out which ones apply to you based on your target schools.

Medical schools do not give preference to your major or the number of science courses taken. The idea that there are non-science majors in medical schools is popular among programs because it contributes to the diversity of the student body.

Schools have placed a more significant emphasis on well-rounded students entering medical education. Most medical schools still need to be assured that students have a prerequisite knowledge base in the sciences. If you have earned a C or lower in any course, we recommend retaking that course.

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Which classes should I take before medical school?

As you can see above, you’ll be taking many science courses. Here is a breakdown of what they are and other required courses you will need:

  • One year of Biology with lab.
  • One year of General Chemistry with lab.
  • One year of Organic Chemistry with lab.
  • One semester of Biochemistry.
  • One year of Physics with lab.
  • One year of English.

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Which classes should I take before the MCAT?

  1. Biology: You may have to take General Biology 1 and 2. Gen Bio 1 may be sufficient, depending on your coursework. You can also take more advanced biology courses, such as immunology, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, molecular biology, and more.
  2. Organic Chemistry and General Chemistry: Pre-med students need to take general chemistry (inorganic chemistry) 1 and 2 and organic chemistry 1 and 2. (Organic chemistry was ranked the most challenging prerequisite college course by pre-med students).
  3. Physics: We recommend that medical school students take Physics 1 and 2.
  4. Biochemistry: Biochemistry is crucial for successfully taking the MCAT as it takes up about 25% of the topics on the exam.
  5. Psychology: This isn’t a requirement but we recommend it before taking the MCAT.

Preparing for the MCAT (medical college admissions test) is a very important part of your med school application. Your performance demonstrates your competencies in subjects you will encounter during your education.

A good MCAT score increases your chances of getting into the medical program of your choice.

Read Next: Your Guide to the AAMC PREview (2024/25 Cycle)

What is the best pre-med major?

There is no single best “pre med major.” It really depends on each individual scenario. You should pursue a pre med major that you find personally interesting, well rounded, and academically challenging.


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Do AP credits count towards med school prerequisites?

Advanced placement courses often count towards medical school prerequisites (but you’ll need to check your medical program’s requirements to be sure).

However, your score must be included on the transcript submitted with your application, and many schools require a minimum score in the course to consider the credit.


Outside the Classroom: Non-Course Prerequisites

Medical schools seek specific qualities, such as accountability, reliability, and maturity. As an applicant, you can demonstrate these qualities through research, volunteer activities, and mentorship experiences.

When writing your personal statement and secondary applications, show (don’t tell) how you have the “right stuff” to be a physician. Demonstrate why being a doctor is important to you.

Related Read: A Sample “Why MD/PhD” Essay (Plus, How to Make Yours Stand Out)

Ideally, you should be able to demonstrate the following to impress admissions committees reading your application:

  • Volunteer experience.
  • Clinical experience.
  • Research experience.
  • Relevant extracurricular activities.
  • Well-written letters of recommendation.
Students who work with MedSchoolCoach for application consulting DOUBLE their chances at acceptance.

Database Of Medical School Prerequisites By School

Medical SchoolBiologyPhysicsChemistryEnglishCalculusStatisticsAre labs req?Additional Notes
Univ of Alabama School of Medicine ‐ Birmingham, ALYesYesNot requiredYesNot requiredYesYes8 hours of
biology are required
Univ of South Alabama
College of Medicine ‐ Mobile, AL
YesYesYesYesYesYesYes2 semesters of math,
biochemistry may subsitute Orgo II
Univ of Arizona College of Medicine ‐ Tucson, AZNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesNot requiredYesRecommendedRequires 2 semesters of physiology, biochem, and 1 semester upper‐level molecular bio; upper level expected to be taken when AP is used
Univ of Arizona College of Medicine ‐ Phoenix, AZYesNot requiredYesYesYesYesNot requiredRequires physiology, biochemistry, behavioral sciences, humanities.
Math satisfied by math or statistics
Univ of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine ‐ Little Rock, ARYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesRequires genetics, stat, and two semesters of social sciences
California Northstate
University School of Medicine ‐ Elk Grove, CA
YesYesYesYesYesYesYesRequires 1 yr of math
(stat or calc preferred), biochemistry
California Univ of Science and Medicine ‐ San Bernardino, CANot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo specific course
Preference for GPA of 3.0+ in bio, chem, phys, and math
Kaiser Permanente School of MedicineYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires semester of behavioral/social science, calculus & statistics recommended
University of Southern
California Keck School of Medicine ‐ Los Angeles, CA
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo specific course requirements
Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine ‐ Loma Linda, CAYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesCollege English
requirement is as required for degree.
Stanford Univ School of
Medicine ‐ Stanford, CA
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo specific course
UC‐Davis School of Medicine ‐Sacramento, CAYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot required
UC‐Irvine School of Medicine ‐Irvine, CAYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires biochemistry,
and 1.5 yr of biology, one semester of humanities required.
UC‐Los Angeles David Geffen
School of Medicine ‐ Los Angeles, CA
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo specific course requirements
UC‐Riverside School of Medicine ‐ Riverside, CAYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesYesLab course hours do not
count toward total semester hours, Humanities, social sciences, English and Spanish Recommended
UC‐San Diego School of
Medicine ‐ La Jolla, CA
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo specific course
UC‐San Francisco School of Medicine ‐ San Francisco, CAYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesRequired 1 year of
biology (but can include biochemistry),
Univ of Colorado School of Medicine ‐ Denver, CONot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesupper level courses
recommended if AP is used
Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University ‐ Hamden, CTYesYesYesYesYesYesYesRequires 1 semester of
Univ of Connecticut School of Medicine ‐ Farmington, CTYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesEnglish required. Courses in biochemistry, genetics, and physiology are recommended but not required
Yale University School of Medicine ‐ New Haven, CTYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesAP does not itself satisfy
requirements. Upper‐ level can sub for intro‐ level. 1 semester Biochem (lab recommended)
George Washington Univ School of Medicine and Health Sciences ‐ DCYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredUses competency‐based admission process
Georgetown Univ School of Medicine ‐ DCYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesYescalculus OR stat can satisfy math req (1 semester); biochemistry recommended, may replace organic
chemistry II with lab.
Howard Univ School of
Medicine ‐ DC
YesYesYesYesYesYesYes6 hours Humanities
Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine ‐ Boca Raton, FLYesYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesStatistics, genetics, cell
bio, and biochem recommended. AP accepted for reqs, but expected to take higher level courses in that subject
Florida International
University College of Medicine ‐ Miami, FL
YesYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesUpper‐level courses
highly recommended if using AP
Florida State University College of Medicine ‐ Tallahassee, FLYesYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesStatistics, sociology, psychology, genetics, and Spanish are recommended
Nova Southeastern
University College of Allopathic Medicine ‐ Ft.
Lauderdale, FL
YesYesYesNot requiredYesYesYesCalculus or Statistics can satisfy the math requirement.
Univ of Central Florida
College of Medicine ‐
Orlando, FL
YesYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesAdditional classes recommended
Univ of Florida College of
Medicine ‐ Gainesville, FL
YesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires biochemistry
Univ of Miami Leonard M.
Miller School of Medicine ‐
Miami, FL
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesTwo semesters of
Behavioral Sciences & Biochemistry Required.
Univ of South Florida
Morsani College of Medicine ‐
Tampa, FL
YesYesYesYesYesYesYescalculus OR stat can satisfy math req
Emory University School of Medicine ‐ Atlanta, GAYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires humanities.
Recommended to take upper level science whenever high school credit is used
Medical College of Georgia at
Augusta University ‐ Augusta, GA
YesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesRequires biochemistry
Mercer University School of Medicine ‐ Macon, GAYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYes
Morehouse School of
Medicine ‐ Atlanta, GA
YesYesYesYesYesNot requiredYes
Univ of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine ‐
Honolulu, HI
YesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires biochemistry
Carle Illinois College of Medicine ‐ Urbana, ILYesYesYesYesYesYesYesApplicants must
demonstrate competency in at least 9 of 11 competency areas (see website)
Chicago Med School at
Rosalind Franklin Univ of Med & Science ‐ North Chicago, IL
YesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesrequires biochemistry and 2 semesters of social sciences
Loyola Univ Chicago Stritch School of Medicine ‐ Maywood, ILYesNot requiredYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYes
Northwestern University The
Feinberg School of Medicine ‐ Chicago, IL
YesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesEnglish, stat, and
biochem strongly recommended
Rush Medical College ‐
Chicago, IL
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredSuccessful completion of Algebra, Biochemistry, Cellular Biology and Physiology are required.
Southern Illinois Univ School of Medicine ‐ Springfield, ILNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo specific course requirements
Univ of Chicago Division of the Biololgical Sciences The Pritzker School of Medicine ‐ Chicago, ILYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesYesCompetency‐based approach to admissions. 6 semesters humanities required
Univ of Illinois College of Medicine ‐ Chicago, ILYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires 1 semester of
upper level bio. 3 semesters behavioral/social sciences.
Indiana University School of Medicine ‐ Indianapolis, INYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires biochemistry and psych/social sciences; they recommend college
credits over AP
Univ of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine ‐ Iowa City, IAYesYesYesYesYesYesYesRequires biochemistry
and an advanced bio course; calculus OR stat can satisfy math req, requires 4 social, behavioral sciences or humanities courses
Univ of Kansas School of Medicine ‐ Kansas City, KSYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry and
genetics strongly recommended
Univ of Kentucky College of
Medicine ‐ Lexington, KY
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires biochemistry
Univ of Louisville School of
Medicine ‐ Louisville, KY
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesOne semester of
statistics recommended
LSU School of Medicine in
New Orleans ‐ New Orleans, LA
YesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesBiochemistry required
LSU School of Medicine in Shreveport ‐ Shreveport, LAYesNot requiredYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires additional science and humanities
Tulane Univ School of Medicine ‐ New Orleans, LANot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo specific course requirements
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine ‐ Baltimore, MDYesYesYesYesYesYesYesRequires additional
humanities and social science, biochemistry; calculus OR stat can satisfy math req
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences School of Medicine ‐ Bethesda, MDYesYesYesYesYesYesYesUpper‐level strongly recommended if using AP; calculus OR stat can satisfy math req, one year of English, humanities, foreign langauge, social science or psychology required
Univ of Maryland School of Medicine ‐ Baltimore, MDYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesRecommended to take
advanced coursework when high school credit is used
Boston Univ School of Medicine ‐ Boston, MAYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesGenerally prefer that
applicants take these courses at a 4‐year undergraduate institution rather than utilize advanced placement credits.
Harvard Medical School ‐
Boston, MA
YesYesYesYesYesYesYesRequires biochemistry,
writing; recommends statistics, behavioral sciences, and foreign language
Tufts University School of Medicine ‐ Boston, MAYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesAdvanced Placement (AP) credit does not reduce required coursework for biology and physics; if using AP Chem, must take full year of organic + biochem
University of Massachusetts Medical School ‐ Worcester, MAYesYesYesYesYesYesYesAP accepted; IB ONLY
accepted for English; upper‐level strongly encouraged when using AP
Central Michigan University College of Medicine ‐ Mount Pleasant, MIYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesUpper level bio + lab fulfills bio requirement
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine ‐ East Lansing, MIYesYesYesYesYesYesYesRequires 2 years biology, social science, and biochemistry.
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine ‐ Rochester, MIYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesYes24 STEM credits required
including statistics, and social science which are all required
University of Michigan
Medical School ‐ Ann Arbor, MI
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesNo official, required
prerequisites. Looks at core competencies
Wayne State University
School of Medicine ‐ Detroit, MI
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesUpper level recommended if using AP
Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine ‐ Kalamazoo, MINot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required
prerequisites. Check website for recommended coursework
Mayo Medical School ‐
Rochester, MN
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesNo Specific Prerequisite Courses Required.
University of Minnesota Medical School ‐ Minneapolis, MNYesNot requiredYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYes
University of Mississippi School of Medicine ‐ Jackson, MSYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredEnd‐Point model: take
whatever classes you need to get to biochem, physics 2nd semester, and 2 semesters of life sciences
St. Louis University School of Medicine ‐ St. Louis, MOYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesAP generally accepted,
but upper level coursework is reccomended
Univ of Missouri‐Columbia
School of Medicine ‐
Columbia, MO
YesYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesRequires 1 semester of math (stat doesn't count)
Univ of Missouri‐Kansas City
School of Medicine ‐ Kansas City, MO
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires 1 semester of
all 3: genetics, cell bio, biochem
Wash U in St. Louis School of
Medicine ‐ St. Louis, MO
YesYesYesNot requiredYesYesYesCalculus OR stat can
satisfy math req
Creighton University School of Medicine ‐ Omaha, NENot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesNot requiredYesNot requiredRecommends physiology, immunology, genetics, biochemistry, English, humanities and statistics
Univ of Nebraska College of Medicine ‐ Omaha, NEYesYesYesYesYesYesYesUpper levels suggested if AP is used, requires biochemistry & genetics
University of Nevada School of Medicine ‐ Las Vegas, NVYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires biochem and 1
sem of psych or soci, and 3 sem of biology (1 with lab)
University of Nevada School of Medicine ‐ Reno, NVYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires biochem and 1 sem of psych or sociology
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth ‐ Hanover, NHYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesNot requiredRequires biochem;
calculus OR stat can satisfy math req
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University ‐ Camden, NJYesNot requiredYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesRecommends
biochemistry, organic chemistry (with lab), physics (with lab), ethics, behavioral science, biostatistics, humanities, spanish
Hackensack‐Meridian School of Med at Seton Hall ‐ Nutley, NJYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCalc OR stat can satisfy
math req Three semesters of humanities, social and behavior sciences are required.
Recommended: Ethics, Spanish, Cell Bio, Ecology, Leadership, Econ, Poli Sci, Engineering, Comp Sci.
Check website for more
detailed pre‐requisites.
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School ‐ Newark, NJYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesRecommends
biochemistry, math, genetics, anatomy/physiology, sociology and/or psychology
Strongly Recommends Advanced Coursework in Classes waived by AP
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Med School ‐ Piscataway, NJYesYesYesYesYesYesYesOne Semester of Math
Req can be statistics or biostatistics. Other semester must be college mathematics Biochemistry Required.
University of New Mexico
School of Medicine ‐
Albuquerque, NM
YesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry Required
Albany Medical College ‐
Albany, NY
YesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesUpper‐levels encouraged when AP is used
Albert Einstein COM of Yeshiva Univ ‐ Bronx, NYYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry, English, Calculus & Statistics are Recommended
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons ‐ New York, NYYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYes
Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine at Hofstra University ‐ Hampstead, NYNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites. Biology, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Statistics, Physics, and English are strongly recommended.
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai ‐ New York, NYYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesBiochemistry Required
Organic Chemistry Required
***Only satisfied with
score of 5
Jacobs School of Medicine
and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo ‐ Buffalo, NY
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesStatistics & Biochemistry Recommended
New York Medical College ‐
Valhalla, NY
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires Biochemistry
New York University School of Medicine ‐ New York, NYNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites. Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, English, and Statistics are recommended.
State University of NY
Downstate Med Center College of Medicine ‐ Brooklyn, NY
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesAP cannot fulfill lab requirements
State University of NY
Upstate Medical University ‐
Syracuse, NY
YesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesRequires biochemistry
Stony Brook University School of Medicine ‐ Stony Brook, NYNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites. Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, English, Physics, and Statistics are highly recommended.
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry ‐ Rochester, NYYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesAP courses may meet
only 1 semester of chem and phys reqs.
"[AP] will not satisfy the biology or non‐science requirements. Upper level courses may be taken to satisfy these
Weill Cornell Medical College
‐ New York, NY
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYes
East Carolina University
Brody School of Medicine ‐
Greenville, NC
YesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesRequires Biochemistry
Duke University School of Medicine ‐ Durham, NCNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites.
Biochemistry, Statistics, Physics, and English are recommended.
UNC‐Chapel Hill School of
Medicine ‐ Chapel Hill, NC
YesNot requiredYesYesNot requiredYesYesBiochemistry Required
Wake Forest University School of Medicine ‐ Winston‐
Salem, NC
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites. Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Statistics are strongly recommended.
University of North Dakota
School of Medicine and Health Sciences ‐ Grand Forks, ND
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required
Biochemistry and English recommended.
Case Western Reserve
University School of Medicine ‐ Cleveland, OH
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry and
Organic Chemistry required.
Northeast Ohio Medical University ‐ Rootstown, OHYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry and Organic Chemistry are required. Calculus, English, and Statistics are strongly recommended.
Ohio State University College of Medicine ‐ Columbus, OHYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry and
Organic Chemistry are required. English is recommended.
University of Toledo College of Medicine ‐ Toledo, OHYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry and Organic Chemistry are required. English and Statistics are
Univ of Cincinnati College of
Medicine ‐ Cincinnati, OH
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required
Wright State University
Boonshoft School of Medicine ‐ Dayton, OH
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry and
Organic Chemistry are required
Univ of Oklahoma College of Medicine ‐ Oklahoma City, OKYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYes"Advanced placement ... courses are accepted if a subsequent higher course is taken for a grade."
Humanities and Organic Chemistry are required.
Genetics, Cellular Biology, or Molecular Biology is required. Biochem and an Writing‐ Intensive English course are recommended.
Y** Only Biology lab is
Oregon Health & Science Univ School of Medicine, Portland, ORNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredRecommendedNo official, required
prerequisites. Knowledge of living systems upon required. (Fulfilled by Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics and Biochemistry.) Anatomy and/or physiology
Drexel Univ College of Medicine ‐ Philadelphia, PANot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredRecommendedNo official, required
prerequisites. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, and English are recommended.
Geisinger Commonwealth
School of Medicine ‐
Scranton, PA
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesOrganic chemistry is required.
Temple University Katz School of Medicine ‐ Philadelphia, PANot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required courses. Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics are recommended.
Pennsylvania State University
College of Medicine ‐
Hershey, PA
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites.
Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University ‐ Philadelphia, PANot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites. "A variety of college course formats and combinations, including biology, general and organic chemistry and physics are a minimum. Courses taken should include or be supplemented by laboratory experiences."
Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania ‐ Philadelphia, PANot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites.
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine ‐ Pittsburgh, PAYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesBiochemistry and Organic Chemistry are required.
Ponce School of Medicine ‐
Ponce, PR
YesYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesSpanish and Behavioral Sciences are required. Spanish AP Accepted.
San Juan Bautista School of Medicine ‐ Caguas, PRYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesSpanish, Organic Chemistry, and Behavioral Sciences are required.
Spanish AP accepted.
Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine ‐ Bayamon, PRYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesSpanish, Organic
Chemistry, and Behavioral Sciences are required. Spanish AP accepted.
University of Puerto Rico
School of Medicine ‐ San Juan, PR
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesSpanish and Behavioral Sciences are required.
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University ‐ Providence, RIYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredHighly Recommended2 Biology courses must
be done in college. Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry are required.
Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine ‐ Charleston, SCNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesNo official, required
prerequisites. Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physics are strongly recommended.
University of South Carolina School of Medicine ‐ Columbia, SCNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required
prerequisites. Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Biochemistry are highly recommended.
University of South Carolina School of Medicine ‐ Greenville, SCYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry, Humanities, and Behavioral Sciences are required. For Humanities or Behavioral Sciences "AP ... credit acceptable to the applicant's undergraduate college is allowed for a maximum of two semesters." For Biology, "If using AP or IB credit, an additional semester in advanced biology such as cell biology, genetics, physiology, or molecular biology is required."
University of South Dakota
Sanford School of Medicine ‐
Vermillion, SD
YesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesYesOrganic chemistry and
Biochemistry are required.
East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine ‐ Johnson City, TNNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites. Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics, are highly recommended.
Meharry Medical College ‐
Nashville, TN
YesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesOrganic Chemistry is
University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine ‐ Memphis, TNYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry and
Behavioral Sciences (ie.
Psychology and Sociology) are recommended.
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine ‐ Nashville, TNNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites. "The use of AP or other credit is acceptable, but it is strongly encouraged to build stronger competencies through courses taken in college."
Baylor College of MedicineNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesYesYesNot requiredRequires organic chemistry, biochemistry, advanced biology, and humanities/social‐ behavioral sciences; math req satisfied by physics OR calc OR stat, and expository writing
Texas A&M Health Science Center College of MedicineYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesRequires biochemistry, advanced biology, humanities, college english, and social‐ behavioral sciences; math req satisfied by physics OR calc OR stat.
Texas Christian University/University of North Texas Health Science Center School of MedicineNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesNot requiredYesNot requiredRequires genetics,
biochemistry and physiology; requires 1
English course, 2 social/behavioral science courses and 2 humanities
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center ‐ El Paso Paul
L. Foster School of Medicine
YesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesRequires biochemistry, 2 years of Biology
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine (Lubbock)YesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesRequires biochemistry, 2 years of Biology, math based stat
University of Houston College of MedicineYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesStat requirement can be fulfilled in Math, Stat or Psych Departments; Biochemistry & Advanced Biology Required
University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical SchoolYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesRequires biochemistry, 12 hours chemistry (various combinations of organic & general), 11 hours biology (genetics strongly recommended)
University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine (Galveston)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesRequires 2 years of Biology, takes calculus OR statistics to satisfy
math req
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical SchoolYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesRequires 2 years of biology. Behavioral sciences, biochemistry, and statistics are recommended.
University of Texas Rio
Grande Valley School of Medicine
YesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesBiochemistry required;
Statistics can be taken either in Math or Stat
University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio Long School of Medicine
YesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesRequires biochemistry; 2 years of Biology
UT Southwestern Medical SchoolYesYesYesYesYesYesYesRequires biochemistry, 2 years of Biology, 6 hours English, Calc OR stats to satisfy math req
University of Utah School of Medicine ‐ Salt Lake City, UTYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesY** AP Chemistry satisifies only 1 semester.
2 biology classes are required; one must be cellular biology or biochemistry.
Organic Chemistry is required.
University of Vermont College of Medicine ‐ Burlington, VTYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesBiochemistry is strongly
recommended. Biochemistry can be subsituted for 4 of 8 credits for Organic Chemistry, but Organic Chemistry Lab is still required
Eastern Virginia Medical School ‐ Norfolk, VAYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesOrganic Chemistry is required. Biochemistry is
highly recommended.
University of Virginia School of Medicine ‐ Charlottesville, VANot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required
prerequisites. Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Human Behavior, and Statistics are recommended.
Virginia Commonwealth School of Medicine ‐ Richmond, VAYesYesYesYesYesYesYesOrganic Chemistry is required. Psycology and Sociology are highly recommended.
Y** Calculus or Statistics fulfills math requirement
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine ‐ Roanoke, VAYesYesYesYesYesYesYesMath requirement is satisfied by 2 semesters of Calculus OR 1 semester of Calculus and 1 semester of Statistics.
Organic Chemistry is required.
University of Washington School of Medicine ‐ Seattle, WAYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredRecommendedPhysics requirement may be fulfilled with 1 semester of Physics and 1 semester Calculus.
4 semesters of Humanities/Social Sciences are required.
Biochemistry, Calculus, and Statistics are strongly recommended.
Washington State Univ Elson
S. Floyd College of Medicine ‐
Spokane, WA
YesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesHumanities, English,
Mathematics, Sociology, Human Developmt/Embryo, Ethics, Genetics, Anatomy, and Statistics, Foreign Language, Psychology, and Physiology are recommended.
Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine ‐ Huntington, WVYesYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredYesOrganic Chemistry,
Biochemistry, and Social/Behavioral Sciences are required.
Statistics/Biostatistics & Cellular Biology are
highly recommended.
West Virginia University School of Medicine ‐ Morgantown, WVNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites. Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Engineering Sciences, Physics, Statistics, and Laboratory experience are preferred coursework.
Medical College of Wisconsin
‐ Milwaukee, WI
YesYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesBiochemistry, 1 semester of Advanced Biology, Organic Chemistry, and Social Sciences are required. Statistics is recommended.
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health ‐ Madison, WIYesYesYesYesNot requiredYesYesBiochemistry and
Organic Chemistry are required. There is a Humanities/Social Sciences intensive writing requirement.
University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry ‐ Edmonton, ABNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot required
University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine ‐ Calgary, ABNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredBiology, chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Literature, Indigenous Studies, Ethics, Statistics, Biochemistry, Physiology, Psychology and Research Methods are
University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine ‐ Vancouver, BCNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredOnly 6 credits of English
are required. 3 credits should be Literature and 3 credits should be Composition. Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Biochemistry are strongly recommended.
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Medicine ‐
Winnipeg, MB
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot required
Memorial University of
Newfoundland Faculty of Medicine ‐ St. John's, NL
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites
Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine ‐ Halifax, NSNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites
McMaster University Michael
G. DeGroote School of Medicine ‐ Hamilton, ON
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites
Northern Ontario School of
Medicine ‐ Sudbury, ON
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required
Queen's University Faculty of
Health Sciences ‐ Kingston, ON
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites
The University of Western
Ontario ‐ Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry ‐ London, ON
Not requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required prerequisites
University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine ‐ Ottawa, ONYesNot requiredYesNot requiredNot requiredYesYesHumanities/Social Sciences, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Social Sciences are required.
"Advance placement credits (AP and IB) will be recognized to fulfill the science prerequisites but will not be recognized as fulfillment of full‐course load studies."
University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine ‐ Toronto, ONYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredTwo life science courses and one social science, humanities, or language course are required.
Statistics and 2 writing courses are recommended.
Laval University Faculty of Medicine ‐ Quebec City, QCYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesTaught in French. College
Mathematics and Organic Chemistry are required.
McGill University Faculty of Medicine ‐ Montreal, QCYesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesTaught in English,
expected to also know French.
Organic Chemistry is required. Physiology, Statistics, Genetics, and Biochemistry are
Universite de Montreal
Faculty of Medicine ‐
Montreal, QC
YesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredTaught in French.
Organic Chemistry is required.
Universite de Sherbrooke
Faculty of Medicine ‐
Sherbrooke, QC
YesYesYesNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredYesTaught in French.
Organic Chemistry is required.
University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine ‐ Saskatoon, SKNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNo official, required
Biochemistry, Biology, English, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, and Statistics are recommended.
Picture of Renee Marinelli MD

Renee Marinelli MD

Dr. Marinelli is an advisor at MedSchoolCoach and former admissions committee member at UC Irvine School of Medicine. Her insight into the application process is second to none!